Tailor-made web hosting

Looking for custom web hosting? Because all the standard web hosting packages don’t suit your needs and goals? Then you’ve come to the right place, WP Provider! We offer good and fast managed web hosting tailored for you and your clients so that your websites are safe to use at the highest possible speed. Find out all about our custom web hosting and each hosting package below!

WP Provider

Tailor-made web hosting

At WP Provider, we don’t believe in a ‘One Size Fits All’ – approach. You have different requirements and goals than your competitors and therefore need a different kind of web hosting and hosting package than them. No more than normal and therefore we work with custom webhosting packages for our customers.

With our custom web hosting we guarantee that WordPress websites work optimally, are well secured and load at the highest possible speed.

WP Provider

Fast custom web hosting

We live in a time where everything moves at lightning speed. Therefore, it is important that your hosting package and web hosting not only fits you like a suit, but is also lightning fast. A slow-loading website costs you and your customers money. Visitors often leave within 2 seconds if the website is exasperatingly slow.

This is why we work with CloudLinux for our custom web hosting. The servers have Xeon processors, super fast SSDs and a 1Gbps connection to ensure lightning fast load times.

WP Provider

Secure hosting

Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly inventive. They are not only out to steal privacy-sensitive information from large companies; smaller entrepreneurs are also increasingly confronted with hacked websites and stolen business information. So a secure environment for your websites is an absolute necessity today.

Our fast custom web hosting and each hosting package uses a so-called ‘Lightweight Virtualized Environment’. This is an isolated environment where you are not bothered by other users on the server and your data and files are safe. WP Provider monitors the servers day and night. We try to prevent problems, but in the worst case we solve them before they become a serious danger. To further guarantee the safety of you, your customers and visitors, we include a free SSL certificate with all our custom web hosting packages. This makes the website even more secure.

WP Provider

Tailor-made managed web hosting

Websites and web hosting are no longer as difficult to fathom as they were in the early days of the internet. With all kinds of tools a layman can make a great website these days. However, the technology behind the website, hosting package and web hosting is still of a high ‘abracadabra’ level for many.

WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and Magento websites need regular maintenance. Updates will have to be made. Backups need to be made. And any security holes will have to be plugged. For many companies, this is a piece of technology they know little or nothing about.

With our good managed webhosting on measure you have 0,0 worries. WP Provider takes care of all the technical aspects around the website, the hosting package and the webhosting for you and your clients, so you can do what you do best: your core business!

WP Provider

Become a partner

WP Provider focuses on companies that work with website development, online marketing and IT management. From our experience, very few of these types of entrepreneurs offer web hosting to their customers. A missed opportunity as far as we are concerned.

For your customer it is nice if all aspects of the website are handled by one partner. A web designer who not only designs and builds websites, but also takes care of their management. Or a marketing agency that not only makes efforts to attract more visitors to the website, but also takes care of the maintenance of the website.

With our web hosting we offer you that possibility. You can even offer the web hosting to your customer White Label if you wish. The invoice then goes from your name to the customer so you are and remain the specialist for them. A win-win situation for all of us.

After all, you improve your relationship with your customers without having to worry about the technical element of good web hosting and we are so happy with new customers that we pay you a commission for every new customer you bring to us. You happy. We happy. And above all, your customer will be happy!

Curious about our fast, tailor-made managed webhosting? Please contact us to discuss the extensive possibilities!