The influence of hosting on your SEO

Are you working on SEO and want to get the most out of it for your own website? Just like you, there are many website owners who want to generate visitors to their own website with the help of search engine optimization. When it comes to SEO, not everyone knows where to start. Do people know anything about SEO? Then most people immediately think about writing the best content, exchanging and finding links or improving the site structure. While the hosting party you choose can also have a major influence on your position in Google. Curious about the influence of hosting on your SEO campaign? We will explain it to you in this article.

The influence of hosting on SEO

When it comes to hosting, there are several things that can influence your results in the search engines. Do you choose a ‘bad’ hosting party? Then there is a good chance that your website and pages will rank poorly in the search engines. Do you choose a ‘good’ hosting party? Then you give your website and pages the opportunity to rank well. There are a number of specific things that influence your SEO results.

The speed of your website

Google and other search engines attach great importance to the usability of a website. This also means that the speed of a website is very important. Search engines like Google want to offer their users the best possible experience. When determining which websites or pages will be at the top, the search engines mainly look at the extent to which a website is navigable and usable. The visitor’s experience must be completely correct. Is the navigation or structure of your website incorrect? Then you make it difficult for the visitor to use your website. Search engines like Google quickly reject this. The same applies to the speed of your website. A slow website means that the visitor has to wait too long before he can see what he is looking for. Google also penalizes you for this. The speed of your website must always be up to standard! A good hosting party has good and fast servers, which means your website will often be faster.

A secure environment with an SSL certificate

For many search engines, including Google, the extent to which a website is secured is extremely important. Almost 10 years ago, in 2014, Google announced that well-secured websites will rank higher than websites with poor security. How do you know if your website is secure? If your website has an SSL certificate, your website is secured. You can also see this from what is in the URL. Is there ‘https://’ in your URL? Then your website is secured as Google and other search engines expect. Is there ‘http://’ in your URL? Then your website is not secured. What exactly does your hosting have to do with this? An SSL certificate can often be arranged through your hosting party. If you have a good hosting party, your website will often be properly secured.

Redirect URLs

Your hosting party must be able to redirect certain URLs. Nowadays, many Internet users have become extremely lazy. Where people previously entered ‘www.’ in the browser bar, people now only enter the name of the website. This is of course not a disaster, unless your hosting party does nothing about it at all. A hosting party can do two things, so that visitors always end up on your website and Google does not penalize you. A hosting party can set up a 301 redirect or ensure that the DNS is in order. Has this been done? Then you prevent your website and pages from suddenly no longer ranking or ranking poorly.

How do you choose the best hosting party?

After reading this article you may be thinking ‘My hosting party has not got all these things in order. What now?’. Is this the case with you? Then it is time to switch to a new hosting party. There are a number of things you should pay attention to when it comes to choosing the right hosting.

  • The customer service; It may happen that you have a malfunction on your website. Fortunately, that is not a disaster, as long as you have a party that supports you in cases like this. Not every hosting party offers such support. When choosing a hosting party, it is therefore useful to read reviews. You can even ask a critical question in advance to test how you will be helped.
  • The price/quality; When choosing a hosting party, look carefully at what you need and what they offer. People often offer more than you need and you therefore pay more than necessary. Choosing the cheapest party often means that you will not be fully supported or will have to deal with a slow server. But of course you don’t want to pay too much. For a complete package from a good hosting party, you can take into account €20 to €30. per month. Then you’re in the right place!
  • Location of the server; Where the server is located can of course also influence the loading speed of your website. Do you know in advance that many of your visitors will come from abroad? Then it doesn’t hurt to have a server abroad. But if your visitors mainly come from the Netherlands or Belgium, that is of course not necessary at all!

Are you unable to figure it out yourself and are you outsourcing your SEO campaign to an SEO Marketing Agency? Then you can often ask that agency for some suggestions. They also have to host their own website somewhere. As an SEO agency, they will probably know a very good hosting company that you can also go to!

Good hosting is necessary!

So you can see that hosting can have a lot of influence on SEO and the success of the SEO campaigns you run. For example, hosting affects the speed of your website, the security of your website and also the accessibility of your website. If you don’t have these things in order, search engines often penalize you for it. This often makes it more difficult to rank as you envision. Before choosing a hosting party, it is therefore useful to consider matters such as customer service, price-quality ratio and the location of the server. A good hosting company may cost a bit, but you can be sure that all the time you put into your content and link building will pay off!

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Do you feel like your website could be faster? Let us run a benchmark. We guarantee that your website will run faster on our hosting!