Does your hosting provider actually make backups of your WordPress website?

Although many hosting companies make backups, not all do it the same way. For example, we make multiple backups in different locations and do not charge our customers for restoring files or databases. This is standard with us, but unfortunately this is not the case with every hosting provider. So we researched which hosting companies make backups, how long they are kept, and whether they charge a fee for recovery.

Please note that the answers below were given on Jan. 11, so may be outdated if you read this article later. So there may be changes among the parties mentioned. Therefore, it is important to always make sure your backups are fully up-to-date and complete.


YourHosting states that they do not make backups and are not responsible for making backups. In addition, it then immediately indicates that if there are backups they can be restored up to 5 days back. If parent that this requires payment of €150. From the response, there is a chance that backups are not present.


Since we couldn’t find it directly on the website, we asked in Hostnet’s chat. From the answer below, it appears that no backups are made, so you are responsible for making your own backups of your WordPress installation and mailboxes. In it, they do provide some tips in how you could make these backups yourself.

I read your question we do not backup by default Should you have a vps with acronis then a backup is made every 24 hours You can also make a backup yourself with the links below Create and restore email backup Backing up your website Restore backup of your website


Mijndomein states here on their website that they backup the websites daily and keep them for up to 7 days.
Under the heading important, they indicate that you can only restore a backup once every 48 hours. Should you restore a backup from 5 days ago but you made a mistake because you need the one from 7 days back then this rule is a problem….



Strato states on its website:
Up to three copies of the current day are available, created at 08:00, 16:00 and 24:00. In addition, you have a daily backup ready for the past 3 days each time. BackupControl also maintains a weekly backup for the past 4 weeks.

This is then mainly for the files, of the databases on the other hand, they are stored for 7 days.
A download is then made available via SFTP after which you should restore the database yourself.



Depending on the package you choose, TransIP includes backups. With the core package up to 10 days back, with Pro up to 14 and with max up to 30.
Restoring the backup is something you then do yourself in the control panel.


Antagonist has a nice and clear chart on its website showing the frequency:


Also with Neostrada, it depends on which package you use. With the Extreme package 28 days and with the light package only 1 day.


Alphamega (part of YourHosting)

Alphamega indicates by live chat that backups are being made of both the WordPress websites and mailboxes with the advice to make backups yourself as well.
Backups are kept for a maximum of 5 days and older backups cost €70.


Different provider?

Are you with another provider? then we recommend asking if backups are made, how long they are kept and if there is a cost for a restore.

How often should I backup?

It is important to back up your website or online store regularly. A one-time backup is insufficient, especially if you often add new files or make changes. The recommended frequency for a static Web site is at least once a week and for Web shops daily, but if you make changes or receive orders almost daily, it is advisable to back up every day. The more often you back up, the more recent the version of your Web site will be in case of a need to restore a backup.

How do I make my own backups?

If your hosting provider does not make backups for you and no backup tools have been made available then you are responsible for arranging this properly yourself. We have listed the best backup plugins for WordPress. Should you be interested you can view them here.

Should you be a customer of WP Provider. Email or call us and we will restore the necessary backup for you immediately.


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