How does Imunify360 secure my WordPress website?

WP Provider

How does Imunify360 secure my WordPress website?

The moment your WordPress website or online store is visible to the outside world, there is a possibility that the website is susceptible to hacks. To combat security vulnerabilities in WordPress, there are daily updates. The problem with these updates is that they are reactive. This means that an update only becomes available if an error is found in the WordPress CMS. In the meantime, these errors can be exploited by malicious people.

For this reason, WP Provider uses Imunify360. By using several layers of security, all our servers can prevent an attack much faster, even if no security updates are available yet at all. For this reason, the servers on which WordPress websites are hosted are extra secure and significantly reduce the chances of a website needing to be restored because it has been hacked or infected with Malware. Because of these extra measures, our web hosting is more secure than the average web hosting of other providers.

In addition to using Imunify360, it remains important to keep WordPress websites up-to-date and secure.

Hoe beveiligt Imunify360 proactive defence WordPress
WP Provider

What layers of security are used?

  • WAF
  • IDS / IPS
  • Malware Detection
  • Proactive Defense
  • Patch Management
  • Reputation Management

WAF (aka Web Application Firewall).

An advanced Web Application Firewall can stop many malicious requests. A score is automatically determined based on a visitor’s behavior.

IDS/IPS (or Intrusion Design and Protection System).

With this method, we scan and reduce the amount of hacks and “remote exploits” (code any remotely uploadable and also executable). By doing so, we reduce the chance of a possible hack. Ip addresses are immediately excluded from the blacklist.

Malware detection

Blocks malware before it arrives at the Web server. This allows us to stop a significant number of hacks.

Proactive defense

Does your client install a plugin that cannot be trusted? No harm done since the PHP code being executed is immediately checked for what it actually does. PHP malware is difficult to detect these days and can nestle well within a piece of code in a WordPress plugin or theme. So in addition to malware scans, PHP code is also checked whereby your WordPress website is even more secure.

Patch Management

All PHP versions get the latest updates. Yes! Even the old PHP version (e.g. PHP 4.4) will still receive the necessary updates from WP Provider to prevent clients who need the old version from getting hacked due to a bug in PHP. These patches are not issued by the PHP developers themselves. In short, without this service from WP Provider, it is not possible to run an up-to-date version of PHP such as PHP 4.4. By the way, bugs that occur only in older PHP versions, for example, are also patched.

Reputation Management

With Reputation management, the reputation of your domain name is monitored. Blacklisting is bad for your findability in Google, which is why WP Provider will also monitor this properly for you.


Another added benefit is that users who are blocked by the firewall will see a reCAPTCHA that allows them to remove their own IP from our blacklist.